Friday, September 30, 2011

Environmental Engineer

1.In this project I researched the things that have to be done as an environmental Engineer. I interviewed a professional engineer, and then answered the same list of questions about myself, acting as if I were an environmental engineer right now. I then created a video summarizing my results.

3. I interviewed Amanda Aspenson. She works at Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle (MS&R). Contact at
4.I learned about all the tests it takes to become a licensed engineer or architecture. I liked actually talking to a real architect and seeing what its like to be an architect. What I didn't like was the questions that were hard to answer for myself because the online resources could sometimes not help. What I would do differently is create a better video if I had more time.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

French Architecture

1. This project consisted of creating a full scale model of a chosen architecture style. I decided to make a model based on French architecture. The model had to fit on a base of 12' X 12' and had to posses the main features of French architecture.

I learned that French architecture has many features like, hipped roofs, dormers, stucco siding, multi paned windows and sometimes a round tower at entry way. I liked this style very much which made it fun to create a model. Although I did not like how the glue would sometimes make not stick objects together. Next time I'll use more hot glue instead of regular glue.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cubic Architecture

I researched Cubic architecture. The modern architectual style using basic geometric shapes and sharp, clean lines. This style is common around the U.S. and really attracts the eye. Here is a picture  of my style...

Picture cite sourced:
Do you want more information on cubic architecture? A more detailed presentation of this style is located at:

I really liked learning about a modern style of architecture. It made me more interested in other modern homes and the creativity behind each and every design. I also enjoyed learning about the many other architecture styles presented by my other classmates. It gave me a good idea on what type of style i like most.