Friday, February 17, 2012

1. For this project we edited our 2nd floor of the keystone library. I added a precast concrete floor to my second floor.


3. I enjoyed this project. Learning what different types of floors you could put in a commercial building is fun!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Structural Efficiency

1. This project inlcuded a small group of three where we built a structure out of 12 playing cards and masking tap. the sturcture had to be 8 inches tall and hold atleast 5 pounds. We calculated our structural load based on how much our structure could hold over the weight of our sturcture.
In the class competition we ended up getting third place in overall structural efficiency.

4,395 / 33 = 133.18 structural efficiency

The test results of our prelimanary efficiency was a structure weight of 22g and had an effciency of only 46. We had to make design revisions to our first structure which included going from a rectangle base to a all triangle tower. The new tower worked fairly well but it would have worked even better if we interlocked the stacking of the mini trangle parts of the tower. SO like if we used an interlocking system it might work even better.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Commercial Roof

This project was about creating a low sloped roof on the 2nd floor roof and a green roof on the first floor roof. I had to research green roofs and low sloped roofs so I could build my green and low slop roof on the Keystone library as best as possible.

These are some pictures I found while researching green roofs and low sloped roofs. Green roofs are used for style and possible LEED credits. Low sloped roofs are used for commercial building roofs.

Reflection: I thought this project was fun. It helped me learn the uses and specifications of green roofs and low sloped roofs. I also enjoyed this project because editing my keystone library is always fun.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wall types- Adding a wall to the Keystone Library

1. In this project I added a wall to the keystone library based on what I wanted on the library. I choose storfront glass otherwise known as a curtian wall to add to the keysotne library. I thought it looked good and daylighting is good for the library, thats why I choose the curtain wall.

3. I think this project was fun because I could reflect my imaginition on the library and add a daylighting window.  I also learned about all the different wall types for a commercial building.