Monday, October 17, 2011

Roof Project

1. In this project we had to choose a type of roof style and design a three D model of it. My partner and I choose the roof style, "gable".
2. (picture)
3.Fact Sheet
Advantages to a gable roof
  •         Simple construction,  offers largest ceiling space
  •         Steep enough to drain water, and allow ventilation 

    • Disadvantages to a gable roof

  • Tends to be tall so its more
  • Vulnerable to natural disasters Like tornadoes and hurricanes
Gable roofs are used commonly every where but mainly where it rains or snows a lot because it is able to drain itself.

4. I learned the basic steps in building a roof. I liked creating a 3-D model. I disliked how the Popsicle sticks weren't always very sturdy in some places. Next time I would use a different material for the common rafter instead of Popsicle sticks.

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