Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Affordable House- Support Drawings"

1. For this project, I used the habitat for humanity electrical code to add outlets, lights, swithces, electrical meter and an electrical panel. I used the code to follow the guidelines for spacing of outlets and other rules.

To change my houses daylighting, i simply removed a window from the north face and added a window to the southface of the house. (south face shown on picture above). The windows in the south cause the house to recieve more light in the winter and less in the summer whne it is already warmer and lighter. The electrical meter is found on the left side of the south face.

On the image above, the electrical panel is found in the closet in the bottom right hand corner of the house.
4. I liked this project because it gave me a chance to personalize my house on an electrical and lighting stand point. The code was sometimes hard to read at times but overall the project was great!

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